Vintage gay men soldiers naked

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Michael Stokes collects old photos from World War II, and that just sent my bells off right away, because I know that WWII has an enduring fascination particularly for gay men, because it was a time of unparalleled male bonding it was first big war where they had good photo technology. What generally connects you to an image?ĭian Hanson: There are times when content is so great, so surprising or shocking, beautiful, or sexy, that it will trump everything else and we’ll decide to use an image even though it’s a little blurry or something. Hanson has been swotting the clandestine desires of horny hombres since the beginning – her father was the Supreme Grand Master of a mystic Christian sex cult, so that might explain something. Her latest amatorious oeuvre celebrates the arcane brotherhood between the servicemen of World War II.ĭazed Digital: For My Buddyyou worked with Michael Stokes, who had an archive of over 400 images. She’s tested vibrators for Puritan journal and anthologised the history of big breasts, big butts, big pussies and big penises.

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She’s spent her life studying the lascivious underworld of sex and fetishism.

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